Team Information
From left to right: Pierce-Jon McKelvey,Yousef Alkandari,Christopher Sobie and Stephen Hirte.
Photo Credit: Katie Dean
Christopher Sobie – Project Manager
Photo Credit: Adam King
Christopher Sobie is a senior student studying civil engineering at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona.
Throughout his academic career he has taken courses related to transportation engineering including Surveying,
Computer Aided Drafting, Traffic Study and Signal Systems, Transportation Engineering, Advanced Traffic Signal
Systems, and Highway Transportation. Christopher has worked for Lee Engineering in Phoenix, Arizona, and the
Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT). During his time with the MnDOT he worked on highway
reconstruction projects, roundabout projects, and became familiar with the general highway engineering process
including working with various government agencies. While working for Lee Engineering, Christopher worked on
traffic impact analyses, road safety assessments, AASTHO United States Bicycle Route project, and other various
transportation projects.
Yousef Alkandari – Project Engineer (Site Lead)
Photo Credit: Christopher Sobie
Yousef Alkandari is a senior student studying civil engineering at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona.
Throughout his academic career he has taken several courses related to transportation engineering including
Surveying, Computer Aided Drafting, Traffic Study and Signal Systems, and Highway Engineering. Yousef has
worked on civil engineering projects in the past including designing a compost system for the United States
Geological Survey river rafts and an environmental assessment and restoration in his native country of Kuwait. In
addition, Yousef has prior experience with data collection using JAMAR technology including turning movement
counts and tube counters.
Stephen Hirte – Project Engineer (Research Lead)
Photo Credit: Kym Ventola
Stephen Hirte is a senior civil engineering student at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona. The courses
throughout his academic career pertaining to transportation engineering include Surveying, Computer Aided
Drafting, Traffic Study and Signal Systems, Advanced Traffic Signal Systems, and Highway Engineering. Stephen
has previously worked for the City of Visalia, California, performing warrant analysis, compiling traffic related reports
and research, and operating GIS software. In addition, Stephen worked on a signal timing analysis and design for
the Milton Road corridor in Flagstaff, Arizona. Throughout this project he utilized various traffic analysis tools and
methods including Synchro, Vissim, AutoCAD, MUTCD and AASHTO guidelines, and turning movement and traffic
volume analysis.
Pierce-Jon McKelvey – Project Engineer (Software Lead)
Photo Credit: Elizabeth Glass
Pierce-John McKelvey (PJ) is a senior civil engineering student at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona.
Throughout his academic career PJ has taken several courses related to transportation engineering including
Surveying, Computer Aided Drafting, Traffic Study and Signal Systems, Advanced Traffic Signal Systems, and
Highway Engineering. PJ has previously worked for Northern Arizona University as a teacher assistant for Surveying
and Statics courses. In addition, PJ worked on a signal timing analysis and design for the Milton Road corridor in
Flagstaff, Arizona. Throughout this project he utilized various traffic analysis tools and methods including Synchro,
Vissim, AutoCAD, MUTCD and AASHTO guidelines, and turning movement and traffic volume analysis.